Brief - Create a proficiency-focused app experience to inform new gamers about video games based on age-appropriateness and skills such as reading, hand-eye coordination, fitness, personal accountability, multi-tasking, problem-solving, memory, attention, concentration, social skills and more. This third-party mobile app must help young kids learn and share new discoveries with their friends.
The current amount of content that saturates the gaming market can be overwhelming to new and inexperienced and young gamers. This can cause cognitive overload; causing friction in a user’s pursuit to find a game suitable for their preferences.
Expanding the user’s situation and context; Parental concern regarding communication habits of young children in school is prevalent as the technology industry is introducing more screen-based play. Opportunities identified enable safe communication tools for socialisation among peers.
Educational and Health based problems identified within the key stage 2 category identifies a need to promote fitness and independent learning. Therefore secondary research led to the development of how to up-skill and curate content that will provide opportunities for communication skills.

“People love challenges, especially when they strike a balance between overwhelming and boring”
Our research identified that personalised aspects of gameplay experience means users are more likely to invest their time, by creating a character they are going on a journey and exploring the “fun of unreality”

Structuring content was an essential part in quickly developing a feasible prototype. By utilising the on-boarding process this allowed for the data collected to be refined and organised, so that user’s attention can be captured by presenting relevant content perfect for a new gamer and their likes, skill-sets amongst other personal attributes. Creating a journey map allowed for a logical flow and intuitive app for users with seamless interactions that lead to fun and creative outlets.

Using avatars, SkillQuest introduces the element of gamification to this third-party gaming app. After personalisation and the selection of interests avatars are assigned an archetype. Gamification was quickly identified within ideation as an essential tool to encourage quick engagement with a user so that they could bring their personality and likes into the platform to create an enhanced immersive experience.
Raven who likes mystery solving and puzzles was assigned the detective archetype and can edit the appearance based upon her user profile persona. Our research identified the company value of diversity in activision and we wanted to highlight inclusivity in the avatars users could select to remove ideas of stigmas at early childhood development

Users discover new games according to personalised data, trends, friends activities.
SkillQuest aims to provide users with the best gaming experience thanks to the element of personalisation. Initially this app gains an understanding of the user’s skill and ability, their devices, interests and games enjoyed. With this data games highlighted can be tailored towards the user’s interests.

Insights revealed the need for socialisation in our age group. Based upon this we developed interactions where users can share their gaming experiences with friends from school, share tips and trips to gain XP and level up. Users can also discover what their friends are playing and can invite or be invited to play multi-player games.
Group project with 2 other students. Involved from discovery, definition, development of proposal