Brief: Design a third-party desktop web site or desktop app, where the community can celebrate shared stories together through communal and authentic experiences.

Key Insights
There is current dissatisfaction with finding content to watch on streaming platforms. Often users find it overwhelming to find a movie they would like to watch causing cognitive overload and creating difficulty in a process which should seek to ease the process of discovering content.
When watching a film with another member of the family or friendship group sometimes a person might have to leave the room to run a quick errand and if they movie isn’t paused they might loose their place and not be sure of how much they have missed.
Friends and family when apart and not within manageable distances lack social engagement within the entertainment service of streaming content together. This has ultimately changed the movie experience and how people interact over this medium. There is no longer the ability to laugh, cry, smile, together.

AI and curating content
Miki aims to create a streaming service that is tailored to an individual user’s state of mind. Being able to recognise a user’s psyche means an algorithm can predict the behaviour and recommend the most suited movies based on the user’s mood.
Miki also combines the user’s mood with that of their friends and family’s so that its event easier for large parties to find the perfect movie to watch for everyone, without the argument.

After the curtains have closed
User’s memories are saved so that they can easily find their favourite movie memories or watch a film they rated highly again. Users rate the movie and this generates new movie recommendations for their group based on everyone’s score so that the design system can continually learn more about the user and become increasingly personalised.
Memories is a tool that is introduced after a user and their group have finished watching a movie or TV episode. Memories encourages conversations about the movie thanks to pop up conversations starter based upon the user’s experience of the movie and to carry forward and enhance to experience of socialisation.

Miki was designed to better connect friends and family through the medium of theatre. Problems identified are increasing social distanced and therefore with the cameras and mics turned on, a handful of popcorn users are able to laugh together and keep connected even when far apart.
The bookmark feature allows users to pause and mark where they paused. Their friends can unpause if they choose so but a marker stays put to ensure the other person knows how much of the movie they missed. This design features aims to solve user problems of disconnected viewings.
Group project with 2 other students and was involved from discovery, definition and development of proposal.