Nomensa partnered with a Swiss Bank, Swissquote to help develop a new financial banking app. I was delighted to contribute to the planning and design of the user journey flows. In my role as a researcher, I facilitated international usability testing of the prototype to validate the concept and design against key research questions. This included creating the evaluation plan, and discussion guide to assess the prototype against key client objectives to assess performance and identify development paths to better meet our KPI's. 

It’s fresh, bold, fun and exciting.

Markus Schwab, CEO of Yuh says, “Designing a new digital proposition to make investing more accessible and fun, with experience as a differentiator, required a special kind of digital partner. We found that partner in Nomensa. They helped us realise our ambitions across all the dimensions of User Experience to shape an end result we are very proud of and expect to do very well.”

Yuh is an app that places 'yuh' heart and centre. Whilst partnering with Swissquote we sought to make the world of finance anyone's world. I used my new awareness to the world of investing in particular to ask the right questions and challenge the journey maps to ensure when navigating this app for the first time, a user who is beginning their investment journey could feel confident and assured in completing their tasks to achieve their financial goals.

This partnership provided me with a unique and incredible opportunity to present insights and opportunities for innovation back to our client.  Working with such a diverse team of researchers, designers, developers and financial experts meant we could develop and deliver exciting new investing proposition to help users to invest, save and bank in a way that breaks down barriers and misconceptions, to myth bust the financial industry and ideas about who can invest. Opening up the world of stocks, shares, crypto and day to day banking to a whole new audience. 

The challenge was how we can make a seamless experience for new investors with lots of features and multiple currencies including crypto-currency. As swissquotes partner we meticulously looked over how the features came together and how journeys flowed from one to the other. The impact being users could easily identify the right customer journeys for the different services they required in a fun engaging digital environment
The challenge was how we can make a seamless experience for new investors with lots of features and multiple currencies including crypto-currency. As swissquotes partner we meticulously looked over how the features came together and how journeys flowed from one to the other. The impact being users could easily identify the right customer journeys for the different services they required in a fun engaging digital environment
Built for mulitple markets, designed to adapt to different languages and cultures
Built for mulitple markets, designed to adapt to different languages and cultures
José Carlos Rosa, Head of Brand Creation at Marketing at Swissquote, reflected on the impact our work helped create, “To bring Yuh to life and to deliver the brand impact we needed in a truly unique way has been a mark of total collaboration with Nomensa. We knew we needed to offer competitive advantage through the experience we offered and what you see today is the result of that partnership. So cool, so unique. Such a delight to use.”
José Carlos Rosa, Head of Brand Creation at Marketing at Swissquote, reflected on the impact our work helped create, “To bring Yuh to life and to deliver the brand impact we needed in a truly unique way has been a mark of total collaboration with Nomensa. We knew we needed to offer competitive advantage through the experience we offered and what you see today is the result of that partnership. So cool, so unique. Such a delight to use.”
Hello! Yes Yuh!
Yuh can save, bank and invest too!

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